As I’ve written before, the trustworthiness of newspapers is nothing new, but for all it means to readers and advertisers alike, that fact should continue to be celebrated.
And while I touched upon the main takeaway from the America’s Newspapers study — that local newspapers (and local TV stations) were the most trusted media for more than half of those surveyed — it’s worth diving deeper into what drives that trust.
(Photo Source: America’s Newspapers)
The most important media attribute (for 61% of those surveyed) was being transparent and unbiased in reporting, followed closely by having ethical and professional standards (for 59%).
“Local newspapers lead in trustworthiness by prioritizing transparency, ethical standards, and dedication to community issues,” the study says. “These attributes set local newspapers apart, reflecting readers’ desire for unbiased, trustworthy news that values community impact over clicks.”
For 25%, local newspapers represent those qualities more than any other channel (with local TV stations representing the next largest slice, at 19%). Obviously, reader-trust contributes positively to a newspaper’s reputation, but also to its advertising receptivity as well. With that kind of opportunity in today’s media climate, the role of a newspaper-centric ad management software is of utmost importance — second, of course, only to the role newspapers have in the communities they help build.
“Americans overwhelmingly agree that local newspapers are essential for community and democracy, informing and empowering citizens to make thoughtful decisions,” the study says, pointing to the 74% of Americans who think not having a local paper would seriously impact their community. “Local news helps sustain the democratic fabric of towns and cities by holding officials accountable and fostering a well-informed community.”